: New issue of my newsletter: “Break Expectations” — Where does the ability of AI to mimic human …

: New issue of my newsletter: “AI Comes for Music”—As the record labels sue AI companies for …

: New issue of my newsletter: “Humane Ingenuity 53: Books are Big AI’s Achilles Heel”—AI …

: One way of seeing the eclipse here in Boston: a graph of the electricity produced by the solar panel …

: From the Northeastern University Archives and Special Collections, a photo of viewers of the 1994 …

: New issue of my newsletter: “Humane Ingenuity 52: Is Science Becoming Conceptual Art?” — A …

: My friends at the the American Social History Project/Center for Media & Learning at CUNY Grad …

: How much does it cost to save a book for 100 years, or forever? What about a web page? I look at …

: New issue of my newsletter: “Apple’s Vision + The Cost of Forever” — revisiting the original …

: Just a test to check federation from good ol’ social.dancohen.org to @dan@social.dancohen.org …

: Rwanda’s 500 franc note still has the One Laptop Per Child XO on it.

: New issue of my newsletter is out: “The Power Broker at 50” — why Robert Caro’s book The Power …

: New issue of my newsletter is out: “Humane Ingenuity 49: Style and Personality” — on the small but …

: Once again Thankgiving is the start of our winemaking. This year we are making Syrah, Pinot Noir, a …

: Guilty as charged

: A sweet story about a son finding something special in a book his late mother gave him 20 years ago: …



: Northeastern University is celebrating its 125th year, and it was an honor to speak about our …

: The Northeastern University Library is hiring a Text Mining Specialist — I think this is a really …

: This essay by Dan Bouk, which asks “Is it possible to train students to use something like …

: New issue of my newsletter is out: “Humane Ingenuity 48: Reading and Writing” — With the …

: AI models are now ingesting scholarly content in an attempt to dispel their hallucinations. But …

: Bottled this year’s rosés over the weekend. Made from pinot noir grapes using a Rhône yeast. We also …

: Northeastern undergraduate commencement, Fenway Park

: Glorious weather at Fenway Park for @Northeastern commencement, grad students this morning

: We have an exciting opening for a new Associate Director of our Digital Scholarship Group in the …

: I will be making brief remarks at the beginning of the conference on the state of generative AI, and …

: A little last minute, but you can tune into @Northeastern’s @NUlabTMN spring conference on a …

: Love the monogram of Jane Lumley (1537-1578), Renaissance scholar and translator …

: According to the Washington Post, my website, dancohen.org, ranks #181,339 out of 15 million …

: I wrote this piece for @TheAtlantic not to argue the finer points of copyright law, but to highlight …

: Some commentary on my Atlantic article on the fight between libraries and publishers over ebooks, …

: For The Atlantic, I wrote about last week’s ruling in an important case that may shape the future of …

: Windshield was crystalline art this morning

: New issue of my newsletter is out: “Can Engineered Writing Ever Be Great?” — Will tools like ChatGPT …

: Early sample of our 2021 Syrah was so good that we decided to get another 200 lbs of grapes from the …

: 🙄

: In the healthy exodus from Twitter to Mastodon, Twitter’s unhealthy metrics of engagement should …

: Our kids just got home from college and we asked them to add anything to the shopping list that they …

: The 2022 Award for Outstanding Achievement in Whiteboard Writing goes to

: An interview with Christine McVie from 1987, from our Archives and Special Collections

: In my digital history class we used new AI tools to see how easy it would be to forge historical …

: Last night we started this year’s winemaking with some very nice-looking Pinot Noir and Syrah …

: An interesting study that uses a trained model to analyze Instagram posts from popular tourist sites …

: Checking out the beta over at post.news, where I am, unsurprisingly, @dancohen. (Thx …

: “I am under the table in case you have extra food”

: One-stop shopping in 2022: Amazon One-stop shopping in 1973: that one block of LA serving all of …

: fracti

: For years now my “tweets” (if you are reading this on Twitter) have been syndicated from …

: writer: “AI, turn this outline into an essay” ~10-page essay appears~ reader: “AI, turn this essay …

: “My children contributed nothing to this project and were not for them, I would certainly have …

: After a hiatus, I’m back with a new edition of my newsletter Humane Ingenuity: “Humane …

: Fall, the best season

: Sometimes Belle falls asleep while standing up with her head resting on my leg

: One of the most important books of the year is Margaret Burnham’s By Hands Now Known, a …

: Thrilled about @NortheasternLib’s new grant from the @SloanFoundation to study and develop effective …

: Just another manic Monday

: When you think about it, squirrels are always free soloing

: Finished bottling our 2021 vintage. Chardonnay, Pinot Noir rosé, Syrah, Zinfandel. Love the rosé’s …

: Really excited to be teaching again this fall after a long hiatus from the classroom. I’m …

: Convocation @Northeastern, welcoming the great class of 2026!

: Look at Belle when we told her that our kids were now off at college

: Seems like this was just last week, but it was 17 years ago. In the actual last week, we dropped our …

: It’s over a half-century old, but Philip K. Dick’s A Maze of Death remains the most brutal …

: It’s been a long week, here’s Belle stretching out in the last sunbeam

: I did enjoy my trip, {{airlineName}}!

: Dig if you will this printer

: This door inspired me to write a song, would you like to hear it

: Tired: UFO research Wired: Bigfoot research (@ Lake Quinault, Olympic National Park)

: Oregon Coast Trail gets an A+

: Tillamook Rock Lighthouse lit up by the sunset


: You look nice today, Oregon

: Visited the vineyard where the grapes we make wine from are grown. Peter, who is 80 and still …

: um, no

: I love my children, but I must report to the authorities that according to their senior yearbook …

: You look nice today, New Hampshire

: I should not have diced this onion

: Femme fatale

: Undergraduate commencement @Northeastern begins at Fenway Park

: Honored to meet Donna Shalala, honorary degree recipient @Northeastern commencement

: Rockin’ end to @Northeastern grad commencement at Fenway Park

: Commencement for graduate students @Northeastern

: Getting ready for my favorite new tradition @Northeastern—commencement at Fenway Park

: This year in Boston, spring will take place between the hours of seven and eight pm on Wednesday

: “I see you are trying to watch the game but I require attention”

: Intense three-runner battle at mile 20 #BostonMarathon

: Not sure I’ve ever seen as big a lead pack at mile 20 at the #BostonMarathon

: Just minted the afikomen as an NFT

: Just hid the afikomen on the blockchain

: Does anyone know if Midjourney is related to, or uses, DALL•E 2? I’m currently writing …

: Cooper, @Northeastern’s helpful campus dog, just gave me his business card

: Ok, which portmanteau are we going with for the convergence of Purim and St. Patrick’s Day? …

: New issue of my newsletter: “Humane Ingenuity 44: Bookwork and Cloud Labs” — …

: We’re hiring one or more faculty members in digital humanities here @Northeastern—join us!

: One of the great dividing lines in the history of technology is between Things With Clocks That …

: Ah, Boston in springtime

: The metaverse was actually created by The Cars in “Moving in Stereo”

: Our library robot has turned on romantic mode for Valentine’s Day

: “What made it clear that these two men were highly educated was the fact that they did not aim for …


: I survived the Blizzard of ‘78. I knew the Blizzard of ‘78. The Blizzard of ‘78 was a friend of …

: First issue of my newsletter for 2022: “Humane Ingenuity 43: Your Own Personal Paul McCartney” — …

: My family is launching our own cryptocurrency, bitcohen, so we can store our grievances on the …

: Was feeling pessimistic about 2022 until I heard that my kids’ school is staging a roller …

: Our 2021 grapes have all been pressed. On to malolactic fermentation.

: .@dferriero transformed the National Archives during his 12 years as Archivist of the United …

: Our first time making a Syrah. Grapes look amazing, especially considering they survived 110° heat …

: Our vocal hound has learned how to sing Roberta Flack’s “Where Is the Love?” when we ignore her

: I wrote a small ode to what @humcommons represents, for the Humanities Commons blog on their fifth …

: What this article about TikTok makes clear is that we should talk less about the “magic of …

: Slowly dawning on us that we adopted a kangaroo instead of a dog, not sure how we missed that

: Look at this turkey roasting

: New issue of my newsletter: “Humane Ingenuity 42: Not So NFT”—NFTs as a way to support—or …

: My theory of NFTs/DAOs/Web3: Because the tech is so aggressively decentralized and opposed to …

: I have a strong aversion to trendy manias, but have decided after much hesitancy to write something …

: All of our homemade wines will be available as NFTs.

: Very soon the 2021 harvest of Zinfandel and Chardonnay grapes from Sonoma and Washington arrives at …

: We are hiring an Accessibility and Online Learning Librarian @NortheasternLib, eligible for remote …

: Delighted to be on the platform today for the Covid-delayed but extra joyous commencement ceremony …

: Just published: Schools and Screens: A Watchful History, by my colleague Victoria Cain. “Why …

: Daylight Savings Time should end on December 31, and begin on January 1

: Interesting study: “Print bestsellers are longer, syntactically more complex and varied, and seem to …

: Nice try, green peppers

: Sunrise this morning was 🔥

: Good morning

: Mind blown by SceneCity’s generative cities and architecture, produced on the fly to your …

: Whenever I see a highly personal, curated collection of books being auctioned off, like Ricky …

: it’s late, where have you been

: New issue of my newsletter is out: “Humane Ingenuity 41: Zen and the Art of Winemaking” — The …

: On Yammer is a post called a yam?

: Checking out the new Macs (25 years ago)

: Good morning

: Fall’s the best

: Long day at work, dog missed me



: We’re at the base of Heartbreak Hill as usual for the Boston Marathon. Wheelchair racers on the …

: Covered the painful hilly part of the Boston Marathon route on my run this afternoon, and realized …

: Sometimes I imagine the missing quotation marks of Sally Rooney’s novels having lonely on-again, …

: Belle’s enjoying this gorgeous fall morning

: I have been informed by my daughter that today is National Transfer Money to Your Daughter Day. …

: The National Film and Sound Archive of Australia has digitized footage from 1933 of the last known …

: Local mushroom showing off

: I thought this rainbow at the Red Sox game was a sign we would beat the Yankees. I was wrong, but: …

: This library ladder is so sinuously elegant

: Absolutely gorgeous book of handmade paper

: Like you, I’ve listened to Earth, Wind & Fire’s “September” a thousand times and find it a …

: Whatever you do, do not challenge my sister’s dog to a staring contest

: And lo it was in the year of our lord 2021 that one could finally swipe right to delete and left to …

: I loved celebrating Eleanor Lurensky’s 95th birthday with her recently, and we are naming a nice …

: A new season of my Humane Ingenuity newsletter begins with a deconstruction of the act of seeing, …

: Cap and gown (and mask) are on for convocation @Northeastern — let’s do this

: Curbside Boston is on brand this morning

: Belle was wondering if it was too late to participate in #InternationalDogDay

: At work we have a cabinet for ideas

: Henri n’était pas mal à Boston

: After a summer hiatus, the third season of my Humane Ingenuity newsletter begins soon. If …

: I’m redesigning my website, and out of the thousands of WordPress themes, I just realized I …

: We just toured 8 colleges in 12 days, and I can report that the state of higher ed is hot, and …

: ~ Ennio Morricone spaghetti western music ~

: S/M/L

: Insomnia has many causes, but I did not realize that “art in the woods” is one of them

: Nice spot to write

: There should be a power ballad about finding a great bookstore in a small town.

: You look nice today, Lye Brook Falls, Vermont

: This is what happens when your dog has five very long legs

: This is my annual social media post kindly asking for recommendations of totally fun books, where …

: “All Hyped Up for HyperCard: Further Adventures with an Apple Legacy Format,” by Jacob Kowall and …

: Instead of using Spotify for music recommendations, try Afrika Bambaataa’s annotated vinyl …

: An update on the octogenarian inventor I wrote about in my newsletter a while back: There is now a …

: Hey all: We are excited to be adding a half-dozen awesome new people to our fine library over the …

: You look nice today, White Mountains

: Winemaking update: We bottled our first vintage of red wine! We’ve learned a lot over the last year, …

: A very rare edition of Shakespeare (thx @JeffreyShoulson)

: Old maps digitally transformed into 360° virtual panoramas, like this c. 1902 circular bird’s-eye …

: Just got tickets for the real summer blockbuster, James Turrell: Into the Light at Mass MoCA. Can’t …

: “Flip It Open,” new model for opening access to books from Cambridge: 1) initial retail period, w/ …

: Even without the mythology, I think we can agree that the achilles is a very poorly designed body …

: Belle’s look is how we all feel about the heat

: Apple Notes should reinvigorate the web by making it easy to publish notes to a personal website.

: “The Ebook Turns 50” — Project Gutenberg was founded fifty years ago, and until 2009 it remained the …

: This puppy in a backpack is currently touring our campus with prospective students, 14/10 would …

: Today’s hike

: Bottled our second batch of Chardonnay made from Washington grapes. Got all fancy with this one, …

: Belle meeting my sister’s dogs for the first time, after a very long pandemic wait

: Not sure I’ve ever been this soaking wet, but the @USWNT game against Mexico has been great fun so …

: New from @DPLA/LYRASIS: “The Palace Project is a new library-centered platform for digital content …

: Looks like I’ve hiked right into an old Star Trek episode

: Very strong 1983 vibes here

: Well done, sunset

: How do you add umami to PowerPoint

: Just had my last Covid test on campus. I think it’s my 67th test, thankfully all negative. Big kudos …

: The names of the judges at the Westminster Dog Show are just so good—they surpass what any novelist …

: Feeling very judged by the dog for watching the French Open

: % ./library-robot –engage-summer-mode –balloons=YES

: One of the great spots in Boston in the summer

: Great post by @TenuredRadical about doing historical research in a digital age, and how it has …

: Cute way to bring to an end the pandemic-era At Home section of the New York Times

: New issue of my newsletter: “Humane Ingenuity 39: A Circle of Keytars” — Combining video …

: Either there’s a shark in our house or Belle got into my sock drawer

: Big ebook news, and way to go @DPLA! “DPLA signs agreement with Amazon Publishing to make their …

: Podcasts about the history of pop songs are a fascinating example of how new genres emerge that fit …

: Finally warm enough to sit on the porch, but someone is rudely occupying all of the seating

: Incredible weekend at the @Northeastern commencement ceremonies at Fenway Park. At our final event …

: Bright sunshine for the second day of @Northeastern commencement ceremonies at Fenway Park #NU2021

: About to begin the first of our commencement ceremonies @Northeastern in Fenway Park. My lucky view …

: Y’all do realize that you can subscribe to most newsletters in a feed reader, thus turning them into …

: The string octet in front of my library played “Thank U, Next” when the graduating seniors marched …

: New issue of my newsletter: “Humane Ingenuity 38: The Vigoda Verification”—Science fiction as …

: Honored to be reading the names of graduating students today @Northeastern as they walk across the …

: Our library robot is also excited about graduation week @Northeastern

: It’s the start of graduation week @Northeastern and we’ve got our celebratory banner up on the …

: The London Library has published for the first time a list of the books that Charles Darwin borrowed …

: Between his first vaccine dose and his second, @glass has been experimenting with doubled images, …

: “Over the past year, academic libraries helped lead their institutions into the socially distant …

: At our all-staff meeting today, everyone shared their most embarrassing Zoom experience from the …

: If a single gray pixel NFT sold for over a million dollars, can you imagine how much the entire …

: It’s been so long since my kids went to school that they drove themselves this morning

: Today we bottled the white and rosé wines we made during Covid, and soon we will bottle the red …

: A moo wave classic

: Winemaking update: We seem to have successfully clarified our Chardonnay and rosé using bentonite …

: This post by @amandafrench and @nickicamberg about the volunteer network of @COVID19Tracking is …

: If you really think about it, dogs greet other dogs using the same process as dial-up modems

: Our new library robot is more Star Trek than Black Mirror

: I like the new graphics we have up in our library showing visualizations of how our lives have …

: In case you’re wondering what the gestation period is for a laptop, mine has a baby bump after …

: New issue of my newsletter: “Humane Ingenuity 37: Data and the Humanities” — Thinking about …

: Library Redensification Plan is my indie rock band name

: Good morning

: Every year, Passover offers an eternal lesson: Never eat matzo over your keyboard

: Great: The Louvre collections are now online! Also great: all metadata/descriptions are …

: Well this is great news: @ukglo is returning to revitalize the Flickr Commons, which she created and …

: We may have taken the “next big thing looks like a toy” shtick a bit too far

: Winemaking update: We are only a month away from our first bottling, and in preparation we got this …

: Vertical browser tabs, where have you been all my life

: New issue of my newsletter: “Humane Ingenuity 36: 15% Faster” — “Singin’ in the Rain” as …

: The LFT, or Library Fungible Token (pronounced “Lifty”), is an object, like a book, that through the …

: On the latest What’s New podcast, I talk to @JimMc_Grath, one of the curators of A Journal of …

: In addition to being showered with awards, I hope that the work of @COVID19Tracking is archived …

: We are down to just two: the stove and the microwave.

: How many clocks or devices that display the time do you have left that need to be manually changed …

: I’m on the quad…or am I?

: I feel seen

: Really nice springtime vibe on campus today @Northeastern

: Perfect together: @dpla + @wikimedia: “In our first year, [DPLA] uploaded over 1.25 million …

: Today’s hike

: New issue of my newsletter: “Humane Ingenuity 35: Bounded and Boundless” — A collection of unusual …

: Incredible update to Zotero (beta): fantastic built-in PDF reader with many annotation features; …

: Find polar bears in remote camera feeds from Hudson Bay, and then decide where they rank in the …

: We rarely speak w/ people beyond our social circles, but doing so can bridge divides through shared …

: The length of our dog’s legs singlehandedly destroys the theory of intelligent design

: A question to ponder: Is cultural output better if it is paid for by direct subscriptions to …

: The latest NASA videos have a nice Space: 1999 vibe

: Digital art sold as “authentic” using a blockchain/NFT is the latest version of a concept …

: Don DeLillo’s White Noise reads very differently after the experience of the last year.

: You look nice today, New Hampshire

: On the What’s New podcast from @NortheasternLib, I talk with @julia_flanders and Sarah Connell …

: New issue of my newsletter: “Humane Ingenuity 34: Making Data Physical” — Representing data in the …

: I believe we’ve reached Peak Winter

: This good piece by @austinkleon, “Blogging as a Forgiving Medium,” is just as much about forgiving …

: Winemaking update: After our apparent success pressing the Zinfandel grapes we got from California, …

: The year is 2057. In Super Bowl LXXXIV, Tom Brady throws a touchdown pass to Gronkbot 3000, winning …

: Snow Belle

: Is a sentiment that is autocompleted still a sentiment?

: Larry’s interviews with Prince, one right after Prince brought down the house in 1981 with a …

: This week on the What’s New podcast from the Northeastern University Library, I spoke with …

: 1 year ago @Northeastern launched its Covid-19 task force, making us one of “The Colleges That Took …

: New issue of my newsletter: “Humane Ingenuity 33: Bring Back the Color” — Why the objects around us …

: For our next What’s New podcast, I interviewed a music critic who interviewed Prince, Bob Marley, …

: Barry White on the backlash against disco music and discos in 1979: “People put titles on …

: Shalanda Baker, Prof. of Law, Public Policy and Urban Affairs @Northeastern, has joined President …

: To start 2021 with some fresh ideas and discoveries, I spoke with three award-winning graduate …

: Great idea: The Science Museum (UK) used its digitized collection, API, and log of web pages with …

: New issue of my newsletter: “Humane Ingenuity 32: Faint and Loud Signals”—Relax in a virtual …

: Morning

: Quincy Jones predicts the future of music and technology in 1984 (quoted in @matoswk75’s very good …

: This weekend’s reading, via @audreywatters/@hackeducation, was @bjfr’s Failure to …

: Last hike of the year; good summary of 2020’s mood

: This chance encounter with a joyful tiny ballerina seems like a good omen for 2021

: Consider this: In 24 hours, works that were published in 1925 will have a brighter digital future …

: Novice winemaking update: We ran a chromatography test overnight to see if the bacteria we added to …

: I saved The 99% Invisible City: A Field Guide to the Hidden World of Everyday Design for holiday …

: A Christmas Eve edition of my newsletter: “Humane Ingenuity 31: An Adaptive Painting” — The tale of …

: Our library (Snell Library @Northeastern) is celebrating its 30th anniversary. In 1990, the campus …

: Helping an elderly relative with an operating system upgrade today, I thought of Michael …

: On this week’s @podcastwhatsnew from @NortheasternLib, @JoannaRadin, @DanBouk, and I talk …

: Morning

: We spent this snowy day pressing our grapes. Started with 200 pounds of grapes, which gave us 20 …

: This morning @lorcanD reminded me of this great visualization of mega-regions in North America and …

: Hold me closer

: Old me: Hahaha, Charles Babbage thought he lost a quarter of his brainpower to organ grinders. New …

: Entering the workplace after college is always difficult and awkward for young people, and it can be …

: “The lesson of the web is that people, given the choice between the freedom of operating and …

: New issue of my newsletter: “Humane Ingenuity 30: Escape Disappointment With Your Machines”—Another …

: We’ve got a great (virtual) event coming up @NUlabTMN @Northeastern, Dec 11, 1-2:30pm EST: …

: We have reached the “punch-down” stage of our winemaking, which is the only time it’s ok to punch …

: The latest Cohen Clan Covid Challenge: converting 200 pounds of grapes from a vineyard in Sonoma …

: New on my blog: “When We Look Back on 2020, What Will We See?”—The record of 2020 lies largely in …

: So goth to endow a bat colony for a couple’s 50th anniversary

: Today’s hike

: One important lesson of the Covid Tracking Project is that we should have more data sets created, …

: “For life scientists, the freezer is the archive.” —Joanna Radin, with a very chewy thought on the …

: Today at noon EST, I’m moderating a panel on “Data Histories of Health,” feat. profs Joanna Radin …

: Love the new fire pits all over campus @Northeastern

: What is the German compound noun for a social network’s embarrassing desire to copy another social …

: Belle has that lazy Saturday morning vibe

: A new podcast series from @CLIRnews on “the effects of climate change on cultural memory and why, …

: Timely new @podcastwhatsnew from @NortheasternLib: “The Great News Divide”—I talk w/ @meg_heckman of …

: Today’s hike

: A little late, fortune cookie

: Here @Northeastern we have many highly interdisciplinary joint appointments for faculty (and joint …

: I have been reminded by my phone that four years ago today I was in the National Library of Latvia

: On my evening run I stepped on a yard sign that was thrown into the road, and it flipped up and …

: New issue of my newsletter is out: “Humane Ingenuity 29: Noticing the Neighborhood”—an exploration …

: Good morning

: Great to see this terrific updated design for the DPLA Exchange, an ebook market built by libraries, …

: Look at what I have to deal with when I’m trying to work in the evening

: All these months later, I still don’t know how to smize

: All these months later, I still don’t know how to smize

: I really enjoyed this book and its amazing tale of how Jewish families from Baghdad ended up in …

: A couple of weeks ago I enjoyed being on a CNI panel with @pmhswe and Tom Hickerson to discuss …

: Fall is here, so I’ve had to up my outdoor social distancing game

: Our dog has a new friend and he’s a total goofball

: Today’s hike

: late in the day my zoom calls start to feel like this

: Know thyself, @nytimes

: Hound is confused about this headless horseman

: If you have ever wondered what the World Health Organization does, how it operates and is funded, …

: Looking forward to participating in CNI’s “Reflections on Libraries and Digital Scholarship …

: New issue of my newsletter: “Humane Ingenuity 28: Cornucopia of Cleverness”—making GIFs from …

: Well done, sunset

: Fall

: The 1st episode of the 4th season of the What’s New podcast from the Northeastern University …

: Today’s hike

: The evolution of museum wall labels: text audio tour number prompt QR code THIS

: The fourth season of our What’s New podcast starts next week with conversations about climate …

: caption this

: New issue of my newsletter: “Humane Ingenuity 27: Reopening Time”—Uzbek textile tech/art; can lit …

: Just found this mysterious junction box in our old house. I think it’s for the 1930 Graybar …

: ominous word usage trend

: By some cosmic synchronicity, @ayjay’s new book Breaking Bread With the Dead: A Reader’s Guide to a …

: I’m a firm believer that every library reopening brings a little light back into our world. We’re …

: Today’s hike is very on-brand for 2020

: For the curious, here’s @Northeastern’s very efficient high-volume testing center, where students …

: nice try, murder hornets

: Guess who went into the office all day today for the first time in months, and guess who stayed home

: OPENING SCENE: Interior shot of a empty library. The late summer sun blazes through the window. …

: How are reliable info/stats sites like @COVID19tracking going to handle national and state testing …

: A+ design and typography on this manhole cover

: This weekend’s reading 📚

: Stéfan Sinclair was brilliant and did so much groundbreaking work in digital humanities, but most of …

: 2020

: New issue of my newsletter: “Humane Ingenuity 26: Considerate Over Clever”—Photography exhibit about …

: As required by Massachusetts law, this is an official notification to the general public that my …

: Just a reminder that we are filling several positions in the Northeastern University Library, and …

: Nice historical artifact we discovered while sorting through some of our books: a 1949 edition of …

: I would like a Dogme 95 sports channel

: I’ve been going over my notes on digital history from 2003-2005, including some of these early …

: If you want to know how much the web has changed in the last two decades, here was the top Google …

: Dear future historians: High school and college yearbooks often go to press months before the end of …

: New issue of my newsletter is out: “Humane Ingenuity 25: Out of Body Experiences”—The view out of …

: Tonight’s reading

: The new “Together” mode in Microsoft Teams is like a Borges story about a lecture.

: The marshmallow test, except with a hound and an ice cube on a hot day

: Wear a mask and let dog be your copilot

: Evening

: Afternoon

: Evening

: Evening

: New issue of my newsletter: “Humane Ingenuity 24: Witness and Withness”—how libraries/archives can …

: Morning

: And these neighbors have decided to go straight to Halloween. I get it.

: Over a hundred days in and things are finally getting weird in the neighborhood. One of our …

: Much wisdom here from @jenorr on her blog about our forthcoming necessarily imperfect fall school …

: If you could use five minutes of pure fun and incredible talent, may I recommend this video of the …

: For teens doing their best to social distance, this summer is a brutal marshmallow test, but instead …

: Evening

: Long article in the Chronicle of Higher Ed on what campuses will look like in the fall, from …

: How is this comfortable?

: New issue of my newsletter: “Humane Ingenuity 23: Reframing Time & Saving …

: When my mask is dangling around my neck I like to pretend I’m Dr. Fink

: Fellow library directors: I’ve found this IFLA page on reopening strategies/techniques …

: Just stretching

: Truth really is stranger than fiction

: New issue of my newsletter: “Humane Ingenuity 22: More Creative Reuses”—re-enacting works of …


: Possession is nine-tenths of the law

: My method for delivering packages safely to my mother is now indistinguishable from the handoffs …

: A reminder that the Digital Public Library of America has thousands of high-quality ebooks in EPUB …

: In the alternate timeline, my kids would have gotten their driver’s licenses today. ☹️

: Time Machine Quarantine would be an amazing band name

: Just realized that today was my 40th day of isolation = a quarantine. Next up, in 10 days: a …

: I remain confused by the operation of our dog’s legs

: On the latest What’s New podcast from the Northeastern University Library, my conversation with Moya …

: Most of today’s good pop songs would be great pop songs if Bernard Edwards played bass on …

: New issue of my newsletter is out: “Humane Ingenuity 21: Functional and Eternal”—learning …

: These faux-reos are non-gebrokts

: New issue of my newsletter: “Physical Distancing, Social Cohesion”—The first archives of COVID-19; a …

: On the latest What’s New podcast from the Northeastern University Library, I talk with Steve …

: Life hack: Step 1: Find a photo of an idyllic place you would like to relocate to. Step 2: Use that …

: Pro tip: If you are an author (or other copyright holder) and want to make your books widely …

: We have been at home so long that our dog is offering free hugs

: New issue of my newsletter is out: “Humane Ingenuity 19: Credit Where Credit Is Due”—more on …

: My guest on this week’s What’s New podcast from the Northeastern University Library is …

: If the rest of the school year is canceled, my kids will have only made it through three-quarters of …

: I needed to talk about and listen to something that was not virus-related, so I called a …

: Along with my colleague in the history dept @Northeastern, Victoria Cain, I was interviewed by the …

: Today’s print edition of the New York Times had no sports scores or league standings, I assume for …

: Regarding our refrigerator, we have reached the “use all parts of the buffalo” stage.

: Since “going out” now means “walking around my neighborhood,” I’m trying to notice something new …

: “Ignaz Semmelweis, who in the 1840s invited the ridicule of his colleagues by suggesting that …

: My colleague’s bunny is the world champion of sheltering in place

: Disease outbreak map by Dr. Seuss, 1943. (via the David Rumsey Map Center)

: Next-level social distancing in Boston

: New issue of my newsletter is out: “Humane Ingenuity 18: Closing Time”—what it’s like to have to …

: The only thing more excited about my working from home than my dog is the fan on my computer.

: Of course it’s snowing on St. Patrick’s Day, because this is the worst movie script …

: For those wondering if the internet can handle all of this, Kanopy, a provider of streaming media to …

: oh i see u are trying to work from home

: Kudos to the 50 university presses, nonprofit and commercial publishers who are providing unlimited …

: First day of our library’s staff all working from home after we tapered off staffing last …

: Yes, Isaac Newton made breakthroughs in math and physics during dark times, and he also …

: In these times, I recommend reading Frank Snowden’s The Conquest of Malaria: Italy, 1900-1962, which …

: While we panic about the coronavirus, the long-term existential threat remains: climate change. On …

: If I can stop touching my face, my dog should be able to stop eating sponges.

: For some reason I cannot get the bridge of “Sweet Caroline” out of my head: ”Hands, touching hands, …

: Our leggy dog is ready to shelter in place

: Highly recommended in these times: Start learning a new language. It makes you concentrate regularly …

: This crossword better not be like the November 5, 1996 crossword, New York Times. I am still angry …

: Wanda Strauven’s detailed history and media archaeology of the earliest animated GIFs is …

: Newspaper delivery used to be pretty cool

: New issue of my newsletter is out: “Humane Ingenuity 17: All THAT and More”—Early modern QR …

: New on my blog: “More than THAT”—my reflections on the genesis and flourishing (and now sunsetting) …

: Let us reflect on how complete and generous the Smithsonian’s release of millions of images …

: On the latest @podcastwhatsnew: “How Tariffs Made Modern China”—from the First Opium War to …

: “No, I didn’t eat your pillow, why do you ask?”

: New issue of my newsletter: “Humane Ingenuity 16: Imagining New Museums”—A future museum’s …

: As part of Northeastern University Library’s partnership with the Boston Public Library to …

: On the latest What’s New podcast, a history and analysis of life hacking—why do some people go …

: New issue of my newsletter is out: “Humane Ingenuity 15: Close but Not Quite”—How to find jazz …

: New issue of my newsletter is out: “Humane Ingenuity 14: Adding Dimensions”—The Library of …

: New research shows that infants have many innate concepts, including ones related to physics, math, …

: I used to find the Blue Screen of Death to be disconcerting on giant screens in public places, then …

: Really like a German compound noun I heard Patricia Williams use in a talk last week: Waldeinsamkeit …

: For those in the Boston area: To commemorate the centennial of the passage of the 19th Amendment, we …

: Patricia Williams pushing back against the problematic mental state of our age of smartphones and …

: New issue of my newsletter: “Humane Ingenuity 13: The Best of Both Worlds”—Historians are no …

: ‪On the first What’s New podcast of 2020, I talk with Jessica Silbey about her forthcoming book, …

: How are books like breakfast cereal? The ones that are on eye-level shelves in libraries are taken …


: I don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows

: Kate Eichhorn’s keynote at the Coalition for Networked Information meeting in December, “Forgetting …

: From a distance I took this photo of a family at sundown, and now I really wish I had their contact …

: Eye-opening survey by @ianmilligan1 reveals the changing practice of historians: Over 90% now use …

: I like how my web host, @reclaimhosting, has a server for installing new software called “Fugazi,” …

: “What will the new decade bring? Ducks, I hope.”

: As the father of boy-girl twins, I consider Star Wars to be an extended metaphor.

: Winter at its most beautiful is more beautiful than any other season.



: World’s greatest holiday gift: my colleague Deb Smith’s 2020 calendar featuring her bunnies, Ella …

: Toilet-paper ribbon-cutting ceremony to open new bathrooms in our library today. In related news, I …

: On the final What’s New podcast of 2019: a trio of young researchers and their innovative work …

: Look at this beautiful new gadget I just put on my desk

: A new issue of my newsletter is out: “Humane Ingenuity 12: Automation & Agency”—can we …

: Belle is having thoughts

: Current status: I have been invited to a “Ride with the Rabbis” spin class.

: The moon is perched right on top of the Boston Commons Christmas tree

: It was a pretty punk move. I was paid $50 that December.

: Whenever I see a “Best of the Decade” piece, I am reminded of when I was an intern at Spin in 1989, …

: New issue of my newsletter is out: “Humane Ingenuity 11: Middle-Aged Software”—what can we learn …

: Some good things going on at our library this week (aside from, or to help with, the stress of final …

: Inequality has many deeply troubling effects on individuals and society, but one that is spoken of …

: I love this note about how Nobuyuki Siraisi designed the 1979 version of the New York City subway …

: New issue of my newsletter is out: “Humane Ingenuity 10: The Nature and Locus of …

: The universe is filled with great imponderable mysteries, such as the fact that these three songs …

: On the latest What’s New podcast, we look at the mysterious and complex nature of human sight—“How …

: Here at @NortheasternLib we have an opening for an Engineering Librarian, who will design …

: The view from Northeastern’s library is spectacular right now

: New issue of my newsletter is out: “Humane Ingenuity 9: GPT-2 and You” — The act of reading in …

: I think GPT-2 says less about artificial intelligence and more about how human intelligence is …

: Teaching your kid how to drive is like being in a movie about a video game in which losing means you …

: New issue of my newsletter Humane Ingenuity is out: “Ebooks: It’s Complicated”—what went wrong with …

: On the latest What’s New podcast, we go inside CERN and the Large Hadron Collider with …

: Belle has gotten good at blocking the stairs so you have to pet her.

: Belle is concerned about the giant spider and dragon that have appeared on our neighbor’s porch

: As the dean of a library, the possibility of a raccoon invasion is why I got a coonhound this year.

: “You choose the web you want. But you have to do the work.” —@brentsimmons (Yep.)

: Fall has reached the Post-Impressionism stage

: My sister’s dog is so droopy he melts into the rug

: New issue of my newsletter is out: “Humane Ingenuity 7: Getting Weird with Technology to Find …

: On the latest episode of the What’s New podcast from the Northeastern University Library, I …

: Fall symmetry

: Belle is enjoying a nice fall morning

: Picked up a copy of @hodgman’s Medallion Status for my flight today and I’m sorry to report that it …

: Love this initiative from @AV_DiscoTech et al.: the Memory Lab Network, putting …

: This week my “Humane Ingenuity” newsletter comes to you from the Digital Library Federation forum, …

: My favorite slide from the first day of #DLFforum

: Fun airport security line this evening on my way to #DLFforum: Doris Kearns Goodwin was right behind …

: “Go thou my incense upward from this hearth”

: Walden Pond

: Given that there are now over a half-million podcasts, and visibility is largely dominated by big …

: I know this is hard to believe, but there is a dog in this photo, camouflaged with the floor

: New issue of my newsletter Humane Ingenuity is out—more on the use of AI/machine learning in …

: On the latest What’s New: supply chain expert Nada Sanders, who explains why many CEOs (like …

: Our hound puppy now has a distinctive three-note bay that rivals the NBC chimes.

: I was on The Agenda on TVO Monday with two other academics to talk about “The Lost Art of Reading,” …

: My iPhone just autocorrected “weekend” to “Weeknd” we are doomed

: My teenage daughter just watched her first live television show.

: Cormac McCarthy’s tips on how to write a great science paper (broadly applicable and not just for …

: New issue of my newsletter Humane Ingenuity is out, featuring a bit of a love letter to Micro.blog; …

: This week on the What’s New podcast: How ballet dancers communicate spatial information to …

: The technology of the printing press with moveable type arose during Leonardo da Vinci’s lifetime; …

: If you want to get away from the world/social media, I wholeheartedly recommend Northeastern’s …

: Some good notes and links from @mia_out about a workshop this week on museums and artificial …

: We’re hiring a project archivist to work on the Civil Rights & Restorative Justice …

: I met Cokie Roberts when Carla Hayden was sworn in as Librarian of Congress, and chatted with her …

: The third issue of my newsletter Humane Ingenuity is now out, on using artificial intelligence in …

: 10 points to the University of Chicago for having “Is a hot dog a sandwich?” as one of their …

: The third issue of my Humane Ingenuity newsletter, which will cover in depth the use (and potential …

: Boston suburbs have an M. Night Shyamalan vibe today

: After 9/11, Ruth Sergel and Here is New York set up a private booth so that people could record …

: A corollary is that the remaining online venues that bring me agita, not joy, are free.

: I’ll write about this in a future issue of my newsletter, but it has struck me recently that the …

: My favorite RSS feed right now is Stereogum’s “The Number Ones,” which is going deep on every …

: If you’re new to the What’s New podcast, you can subscribe in your favorite podcast app …

: The third season of the What’s New podcast starts today, with my conversation with Christo …

: Subscribe to the Humane Ingenuity newsletter to get every issue delivered straight to your inbox. …

: While you are waiting for Apple to unveil new gizmos, you can read the second issue of my new …

: Northeastern University is also seeking a full-time tenured or tenure-track faculty member with a …

: ICYMI: We’re doing a faculty cluster hire in digital humanities here at Northeastern …

: Belle and her extra-long legs are having a lazy Saturday

: JR’s digital mural at SF MOMA, featuring over a thousand San Franciscans, is pretty incredible, and …

: Today I’m launching a newsletter on technology that helps rather than hurts human …

: Just finished reading Tom Rachman’s The Imperfectionists and loved the way it traced the rise and …

: We’re hiring a Research Data Analyst at the Northeastern University Library to join our …

: The old hotel where I’m staying makes you feel at home with some nice touches from The Shining

: Can’t I just enjoy my Saturday morning coffee?

: A proto-VOIP conference call from 1978, oddly featuring a Dan Cohen. (via David Crotty)

: A glorious excerpt cabinet. (This one happens to be Leibniz’s. From the book Paper Machines: About …

: Taxonomy!

: Australians have made millions of corrections to the rough text generated by the digitization of …

: In case you’re wondering how scholars access articles at a large research university, …

: Great to see the return of the NetNewsWire RSS reader and its commitment to the open web. I …

: Still confused by the size and function of Belle’s legs

: Who’s a good hiking companion? Belle’s a good hiking companion

: There’s this sign for the “OCR World Championships” nearby and I had to google it to make sure that …

: Pretty sure this covered bridge is actually a time portal

: Every sign on this trail sounds like an amazing Johnny Cash song

: Over @kottke, a sampler of recent writing on how algorithms are draining serendipity out of our …

: With Boris Johnson assuming the office of Prime Minister of the U.K., we’ve got a rebroadcast and …

: This is like finding out that Abbey Road is an actual road

: Starting in November, Macmillan will let each library system, including those that serve millions of …

: I have successfully completed the mandatory parent training class so that I can teach my twins how …

: Using computer vision to analyze the visual style and composition of Bewitched and I Dream of …

: A bald eagle has moved into our neighborhood

: I told her to sit

: New on my blog: “Engagement Is the Enemy of Serendipity”—a seemingly minor change to the New York …

: Recording a podcast today with a human/robot movement scientist, I asked if she could train a robot …

: Free local history talk

: Nearby lake looking nice this evening

: Good series on the Space Age and the race to the moon this week on News@Northeastern, which includes …

: Was the “Use the Force” moment at the end of Star Wars, when Luke switched off the computer and went …

: On our second rebroadcast + update of the summer, @podcastwhatsnew revisits an interview with an …

: Kind of sad to see music and theology as lacking relationships with other fields in this …

: Kudos to @jjkaraganis and @clured for this incredible update to the @opensyllabus site, now with …

: Here are the 50 most-assigned authors in economics courses in the United States (three are women).

: Here is the new and improved Open Syllabus project site I mentioned earlier, now live: …

: The Open Syllabus Project is undergoing a major upgrade, now with over 6 million college syllabi and …

: Screenshot of the FrameMaker book-writing software for NeXT computers, 1989 (via @moritz)

: just another manic monday

: “From 1982 to 2017, the share of Americans with bachelor’s degrees who had read even one work of …

: The percentage of American adults who have read a book in the last year has fallen to its lowest …

: Of course my local Little Free Library has a copy of Practical SGML

: “Data Beyond Vision: experimental physical representations of humanities data” (via @suttonkoeser, …

: The Digital Library Federation 2019 Forum schedule is now up and there’s still time to …

: The Apollo 11 command module looks pretty cool in the lobby of my library. (Thanks, Smithsonian, for …

: Wally Grotophorst analyzed DNS queries to see how many academics were routing around paywalls for …

: Wondering what my fellow Micro.bloggers make of Darius Kazemi’s “Run Your Own Social”

: Also note that most government records are already digital, as I explained in my piece on the Obama …

: That’s a fairly bold transition to electronic records that some may have been missed during …

: Under a new directive from the Office of Management and Budget and the National Archives and Records …

: For a deeper dive into the Touch This Page exhibit and these tactile systems (including the many …

: The latest 99% Invisible podcast covers tactile reading systems for the visually impaired from the …

: Does anyone else’s dog gnaw on its own foot when a chew toy isn’t available?

: Spoiler alert on the Hydro-Pneumatic-Pulsating-Vacuo Engine

: Yes please, I want to read this proposed book by @robotnik on the most notorious fake perpetual …

: This summer we’re rebroadcasting a few of the What’s New podcast episodes in which there …

: I cannot believe the New York Times app got rid of swiping between sections. What a bad and …

: My puppy has become an extra large praying mantis

: Send someone an e-postcard from the largest collection of postcards in the United States, thanks to …

: From the excellent Apollo 11 exhibit at the Houghton Library, the first published photograph of the …

: Been thinking a lot about this too since receiving my personalized story from @robinsloan’s …

: “Recently, I used an AI trained on fantasy novels to generate custom stories for about a thousand …

: The first in a series of posts by @msmollyebrown @NU_Archives about the incredible Boston Globe …

: Hey everyone, we have two great positions available at the Northeastern University Library: 1) …

: X-Dog: Red Avenger

: Great to see @kfitz generously thinking aloud about her next book project, which seems like it could …

: OMG the story I just received in the mail, generated by @robinsloan’s AI program based on my …

: I’m still at work but I see that my dog has eased into the weekend

: New on my blog: “On the Response to My Atlantic Essay on the Decline in the Use of Print Books …

: Interesting: A new report from the British Library outlines five possible options for “a single …

: John Wihbey's Recommendations to Journalists for Countering Misinformation Some good concrete suggestions from @wihbey for countering misinformation in the media if you are a …

: I’m sure I’m not the only one who wishes that Apple had named their version of Google Street View …

: 100 years ago, on June 4, 1919, the U.S. Congress passed the 19th amendment, granting women the …

: Excited to receive an AI-generated story from @robinsloan’s coding/fiction wizardry, esp. …

: My first walk across the Richard Serra-esque bridge that now connects the library with the …

: May you all find a love like my puppy has with a sock she found in the park.

: This from Samuel Johnson should be the epigraph for every book, not just those by @ayjay.

: In the Letters to the Editor section of @TheAtlantic, readers of my essay on the decline in the use …

: One of my favorite things we used to do at the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media was …

: Good overview from Cliff Lynch of the ways that the privacy of readers (of ebooks, online articles, …

: For more on the idea of “collective collections” of books that I mentioned in @TheAtlantic, see …

: My latest piece for @TheAtlantic looks at the hidden and steep decline in the use of books within …

: Can’t wait to read Cut/Copy/Paste, the forthcoming book by @whitneytrettien on 17th-century …

: I was walking through Central Park today and thought I hallucinated this but it’s still on my phone

: Chronicling America, the initiative to digitize historic American newspapers (sponsored by the …

: The best and most up-to-date article I’ve read on the possibility and challenges of storing …

: In a parallel universe, the game company Milton Bradley became a trillion-dollar tech company after …

: Nice evening in Boston, finally

: Single purpose electronic devices from the 1980s are my jam, like this lottery number picker I found …

: My middle-aged neck would like to know how this is a comfortable resting position

: TIRED: The New York Times “Gen X” feature. WIRED: @ftrain’s funny/sad bildungsroman of nuclear …

: Playtime with my puppy is indistinguishable from BASIC programs in which the last line is always …

: “What’s New Season 2 Wrap-up” — looking back on the diverse topics we covered this …

: Thinking about writing a (nonpolemical) piece on college students wanting to be around books but …

: Beautiful morning for hounding around

: Tomorrow @Northeastern: “About Face: The Changing Landscape of Face Recognition” — conference on the …

: Pupdate: legs now too long to fit on the ottoman

: This post by @ayjay on the typos and other errors you find after publishing a book is so incredibly, …

: My niece @person_1123’s clever and fun game, Situations, where players co-create an absurd …

: Over 50 years ago, a student borrowed Alice in Wonderland from our library and never returned …

: 2019 Northeastern University commencement!

: Bipedal tree

: More May Day Morris dancing near the University Church this morning in Oxford

: Morris dancers celebrating May Day at dawn this morning in front of the Bodleian Library

: Johann Remmelin, A Survey of the Microcosme, 1695, with numerous 3D flaps

: A printed sheet of Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility, reproduced on a Bodleian letterpress in …


: Having dinner with some fellow librarians at the Divinity School in the Bodleian Library in Oxford. …

: I’ll be at the Bodleian library next week and can’t wait to see two exhibits, one …

: Fascinating talk by @phonedude_mln on the hidden and disturbing instabilities of web archives, with …

: Want to be at the intersection of digital scholarship, important community and newspaper archives, …

: It’s nice to see some new deals between libraries and journal publishers that account for both …

: It has finally happened, I have been Kondoed by my offspring

: Me: “Could you run some errands with me?” My daughter: “Running errands with you no longer brings me …

: There are no meals during Passover—only constant noshing. —Yiddish proverb

: Squirrel!

: Y’all do know that Google Drive can OCR PDFs, right?

: “The principles for a Shared Digital Europe, a proposal for a new framework for thinking about the …

: “The abundance of data from large scientific experiments, such as earth observation programs, radio …

: As the tense process of Brexit winds on, I talk with Mai’a Cross (@keapuolani), Professor …

: And here’s maybe the most evocative image of Notre Dame I found via @dpla: what looks like a …

: Here’s a customized search for images of Notre Dame cathedral, from the oldest to most recent, …

: “Oh, is this your chair? Are you sure? Maybe it could be my chair.”

: And if you haven’t read his trilogy on slavery, starting with The Problem of Slavery in Western …

: David Brion Davis was a groundbreaking and great historian, but you wouldn’t have known it from his …

: #BostonMarathon

: Whoa the finish of the men’s race is going to be crazy with 15 runners within 5 seconds of each …

: Worknesh Degefa in the lead by two minutes (!) at the base of Heartbreak Hill #BostonMarathon

: I am only now realizing that it is National Pet Day. Here is my dog Belle sleeping.

: Thanks so much to everyone who contributed to our library today—still time to drop a small (or big) …

: If I could time travel to 1982, I would definitely buy an Apple computer from Sherman Howe

: Prince, with Sheila E. and Cat, 1987

: Metallica, 1984

: Hall & Oates, 1982

: Donna Summer, 1981

: Devo, 1980

: Anyhow, some other fun things from our Boston Phoenix archive to follow.

: I was looking through our archive of the Boston Phoenix today, and the topic of their comedy column, …

: BONUS OFFER: If we get 50 donations of any size ($5 is a-ok with me) from the distant lands of the …

: Hey all, if you like some of the things that come out of my library, including the What’s New …

: More on the design and functionality of that “next-generation paper,” and how the prototype travel …

: Prototype of a new kind of paper that has Bluetooth embedded in it—books made of this paper can …

: I am confused, Denver

: New by me @TheAtlantic: “Obama’s Presidential Library Is Already Digital”—When the record of a …

: “Why You (A Humanist) Should Care About Optical Character Recognition” by @ryancordell #cni19s

: Really looking forward to hearing @kfitz talk about her book Generous Thinking, live at #cni19s. …

: OUT: Betting on the Final Four IN: Betting on your dog’s DNA test

: “I’m sorry, this couch is taken”

: We’ve just added banks of these portable chargers, which can power a laptop and several devices, to …

: New to me, from the Touch This Page symposium on tactile reading systems, which we’re hosting …

: oh, hello

: On the latest What’s New podcast, my guest is the vice-chair of the International Committee …

: Loving our new, and very meta, laptop stickers

: “I’m on the couch. I’ve got my bone. Do I look like I want to take a walk?”

: I remain confused about our new dog’s oversized legs, but she’s a cute octopus.

: Delighted we are hosting a conference on how to enable and pursue digital scholarship, a joint …

: All of these phishing scams are going to make it hard for me when I actually need my staff to send …

: “Has the emergence of facial recognition technology proven that surveillance technology has finally …

: Alyssa Loyless on how to create a highly detailed model of York Minster cathedral through …

: For the 30th anniversary of the World Wide Web, I spoke with @KyleKCourtney, legal scholar …

: My daughter is trying to convince me that I’m a robot

: Finished a book chapter and a couple of long-ish blog posts this week and, as always, it feels good …

: “Robin Sloan’s Fusion of Technology and Humanity”—in which I look at why @robinsloan abandoned a …

: I’m eating ice cream straight from the container and my daughter just asked me if I was going …

: “Presidential Libraries and the Digitization of Our Lives”—My deep dive into the analog and digital …

: Our last two dogs were dachshunds, so Belle’s legs are hilarious

: Read an abandoned draft of the 1st chapter of @robinsloan’s novel Sourdough and have some …

: On the latest What’s New podcast, “How College Students Get the News,” we dig into the …

: We’ve got a little room left for those who would like to attend the @cni_org/@ARLnews Digital …

: “Kathleen Fitzpatrick’s Generous Thinking” — my review of @kfitz’s important new …

: Let’s ditch our smartphones for phones from 1983


: Start of the 2019 baseball season! @RedSox vs. @Northeastern

: .@davidlazer tracked down a representative sample of 16,000 Twitter users from across the political …

: There’s a good section in Linda Colley’s Britons, for instance, on how early …

: Opportunity traveled farther on Mars during its lifetime than most people traveled from their …

: I believe my puppy is now teething

: If you haven’t had a chance to listen to last week’s @podcastwhatsnew, “Seeking Justice …

: With the addition of a letterpress lab, an exhibit on tactile writing systems, our wide variety of …

: I’ve been introducing my new dog to other dogs in the neighborhood, but her favorite new friend is a …

: “February 12, 1809, and Wikipedia’s Evolution”—Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln were both born on …

: One more from @Huskiana

: Loving the trays of type @Huskiana (nice combination of Futura Bold and old letterpress tech)

: At the launch of @Huskiana, @Northeastern’s new letterpress lab, the brainchild of @ryancordell. So …

: Does anyone know how to reset the PRAM on a coffee machine?

: Google hasn’t paid much attention to Google Books for years, and it’s really starting to show.

: There are no scarier words in the English language than “I have just registered my kid for …

: I just love this evocative book in @zetamathian’s office. It’s the 2nd volume of …

: 1000s of African Americans were murdered as the civil rights movement arose—a brutal continuation of …

: Read a story aloud and have it illustrated on the fly with art from @metmuseum (uses the Met’s 300K …

: Registration is now open to everyone (not just members of the Association of Research Libraries or …

: Like all responsible dog owners, we already have a hundred nicknames for our new pup, including …

: I mentioned this talk when I saw it in December, and the video is now available: an incredibly blunt …

: Sure, those two guys made it across Antarctica, but many of us survived the journey to get our mail …

: If you haven’t had a chance to listen to the latest What’s New podcast on tactile reading, it’s …

: On the latest What’s New podcast, I talk with @SariAltschuler about the fascinating origin and …


: #LunarEclipse

: We have another opening @ClubSnell: Global Campus Outreach & Online Learning Librarian — come …

: Delighted that we will be hosting a conference on 3/25-26, sponsored by the Coalition for Networked …

: Meanwhile, “In a truly landmark development, the Open, Public, Electronic and Necessary (OPEN) …

: We may have mistakenly adopted a kangaroo instead of a hound

: Ever have that nagging feeling you’re being watched?

: Next Wednesday evening, January 16, I’ll be a panelist at “Conversation in Civic Innovation: …

: The first What’s New podcast of 2019 is with Dan O’Brien, author of the new book The Urban …

: 911 is for emergencies, but many cities now have 311 for citizens to report issues and request …

: Coming later this month to @ClubSnell: “Touch This Page! Making Sense of the Ways We …

: Say hello to Belle, a hound we just adopted from a rescue.

: Not-to-be-missed exhibit: “Empresses of China’s Forbidden City,” currently at the Peabody …

: For New Year’s Eve, the British Library has a tutorial on how to party like it’s 999

: Mark Twain: “A copyright term of an author’s life and 50 yrs will satisfy any reasonable …

: The U.S. Potash Company commissioned Ansel Adams to make a photographic portrait of their Carlsbad, …

: Love this photo of Georgia O’Keeffe taken by Ansel Adams (at the MFA Boston Ansel Adams exhibit)

: Spent this week doubling down on going back to the indie web. Finally moved everything to the great …

: Indeed, that software interpolation makes the parallels between They Shall Not Grow Old and The …

: .@tcarmody is of course right about the general problem(s) with Peter Jackson’s They Shall Not …

: I didn’t realize that the government shutdown includes the National Endowment for the …

: Snowboarding on Christmas Eve is the new Chinese food on Christmas

: Good tip (and lede)

: The full cold moon is out tonight, so bright it’s almost like the sun

: My Own Personal Stonehenge is also my favorite Johnny Cash cover song

: Today is the day of my own personal Stonehenge, when the sun sets perfectly into a notch between two …

: Researching fonts for the visually impaired for a show on multisensory reading I’m recording with …

: Hey all, we’re looking for a Marketing & Events Coordinator in our fine library @ClubSnell …

: A project by @dasmiq, newly funded by @NEH_ODH, will compare multiple digitized copies of books to …

: The jokers in my library’s fabrication lab made me a little something out of wood

: David Rosenthal’s summary of where Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies (and blockchain technology in …

: “Bitcoin’s Academic Pedigree: The concept of cryptocurrencies is built from forgotten ideas in …

: Alan Jacobs has launched a newsletter, to which I insta-subscribed. I also recommend his latest …

: Hidden in Cliff Lynch’s opening keynote at #cni18f was the premise of a science fiction book …

: You look nice this evening, Boston

: “By centralizing your writing, photos, and other web pages at your own domain name, you can control …

: Finals are here, so bubble wrap has returned to our library. (Stress reduction dogs are coming next …

: You can read my piece and nine other perspectives on this great milestone on the Europeana 10th …

: “The Past, Evenly Distributed: Europeana at 10” — It was an honor to be asked by @Europeanaeu to …

: Idea: pumpkin spice latke

: “Why an Age of Machine Learning Needs the Humanities,” by @Ted_Underwood

: Meet the Axolotl, or Mexican walking fish. If hurt, it automatically regrows the wounded area, and …

: Thirty years ago I took a course with Elaine Pagels, “Spiritual Autobiography.” Tragically, her …

: On the latest episode of the What’s New podcast, I talk to three young researchers who are …

: A conference on imaginary maps from Thomas More’s Utopia to J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle …

: We’ve got another opening at the Northeastern University Library: Digital Metadata and Ingest …

: “At best the Internet Archive has collected 0.39% of the web.” @edsu reminds us, with @bergisjules, …

: My niece Noa Chazan has launched a very cool and fun card game on Kickstarter that has echoes of …

: My in-laws have had a productive year writing books

: We are having turkey tomorrow, but we are also having a large brisket, and I swear by the sous vide …

: Next step in going indie with my social media: Goodbye, Instagram, hello indie photo sharing. (With …

: We have two openings @ClubSnell @Northeastern right now, with more to come soon: Web Developer: …

: Speaking of books, for some reason I felt that I should read Yuval Noah Harari’s new book (somewhat …

: Looking forward to reading Jason Farman’s new book Delayed Response: The Art of Waiting from the …

: Congrats to Hillary Chute, a colleague here @Northeastern, for having her book Why Comics? selected …

: On the latest episode of @podcastwhatsnew: “Bridging the Academic-Public Divide Through Podcasts” — …

: As part of my ongoing separation from centralized social media, you can now follow me on Mastodon …

: This year I’m buying all of my holiday gifts from the 1981 Sears Wish Book

: I accept the challenge

: Hey all, we’re looking for a WordPress/Web Developer to join our friendly, collaborative …

: BONUS: If you listen after the credits, Gov. Dukakis recounts how he met his wife Kitty while …

: On today’s special Election Day episode of the What’s New podcast, I’m joined by Michael …

: My favorite vote button in @amhistorymuseum’s extensive collection (found via @dpla)

: My candid conversation with three-term governor and 1988 Democratic presidential nominee Michael …

: I know I am being sonically manipulated, but yes, I will buy more groceries when Earth, Wind & …

: New on my blog: “Bridging the Academic-Public Divide Through Podcasts”—my keynote at the Sound …

: There’s been a lot of concern about “deep fakes,” using machine learning to fabricate …

: Speaking of podcasts, a reminder that I’ll have three-term governor and 1988 Democratic presidential …

: I believe the Sound Education conference at Harvard, for educational audio producers & …

: As part of our Neighborhood Matters series @ClubSnell, we’re screening a documentary today on …

: Harvard’s Library Innovation Lab has finished digitizing 360 years of American case law, and …

: Borges jokes are my coping mechanism

: They have every car imaginable